Physical Symptoms of Depression

Virtual Psychiatrist, Dr. Reddy
Fact Checked by
- Dr. Gundu Reddy
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    Depression is a complex mood disorder that affects millions worldwide. Studies show that an estimated 21 million U.S. adults had at least one major depressive episode in 2021. This figure goes to show how depression negatively affects the lives of those who experience it. One of the most notable categories of its symptoms is the category of physical symptoms. Individuals could experience headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more while simultaneously experiencing other symptoms of the disorder.

    What are Physical Symptoms of Depression?

    Physical Symptoms of Depression are physical effects of depression on an individual experiencing it, that go beyond cognitive and behavioral symptoms. While depression primarily affects mood, it also has debilitating effects on an individual’s physical health.

    Some of the most common physical symptoms of depression are:

    • Fatigue and Decreased Energy- One of the most common physical symptoms of depression is fatigue. Fatigue leads to decreased energy levels that could affect the daily functioning of an individual.
    • Sleep Disturbances- Sleep disturbances are a result of disorganized sleep schedule. Sleep disturbances could result in hypersomnia; excessive sleepiness or sleeping for prolonged periods, insomnia; difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early, or even poor sleeping quality.
    • Appetite and Weight Changes- Excessive weight gain or loss are some physical signs of depression. Individuals with depression may also notice changes in their eating patterns. For instance, sometimes they may not have an appetite, while at other times, they may eat excessively.
    • Digestive Problems- Stress stemming from depression could result in some digestive problems like constipation, nausea, or diarrhea, which could render individuals restless and agitated. These digestive issues could also impact the eating habits of an individual.
    • Reduced Physical Activity- Depression could force an individual to live a sedentary lifestyle, which could result in reduced physical activity. Due to lack of motivation, individuals with depression avoid self- care practices like physical exercise, yoga, meditation, and pursuing their hobbies.
    • Psychomotor Changes- Restlessness, fidgeting, irritability, agitation, and slow movement are some of the psychomotor changes that occur in individuals with depression.
    • Changes in Appearance- Individuals with depression neglect self- care and personal hygiene, which could change their overall appearance. This is due to the lack of motivation and interest that they experience.
    • Skin Problems- Individuals with depression could develop skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, which could further be exacerbated by higher levels of stress and anxiety.

    Headache as a Physical Symptom of Depression

    Although one of the most common symptoms of depression, headaches could vary in severity and type for different individuals. There are mainly two kinds of headaches caused by depression:

    • Migraines
    • Tension Headaches


    Migraines are typically different from regular tension headaches. These are intense and can last from a few hours to several days. They often involve throbbing or pulsing pain, usually on one side of the head. These are usually linked to an imbalance in the neurotransmitters, more specifically, serotonin.

    Migraines could lead to other physical problems such as vomiting, nausea, photophobia; sensitivity to light, and other visual disturbances. Stress as a contributing factor, exacerbates migraines that could trigger regular migraine episodes.

    Migraines have a detrimental effect on an individual’s life. They impact their daily functioning which could pose a problem to their school work, office work, or regular- everyday tasks.

    Tension Headaches

    Tension headaches are one of the most common symptoms of depression characterized by a constant, dull, and aching pain, typically on both sides of the head. They often put tension around the forehead or the back of the head and neck.

    Tension headaches result in sleep disturbances like insomnia and unorganized sleeping patterns. This could lead to severe muscle tension, which could further exacerbate the headaches.

    High levels of stress and anxiety are constant triggers of tension headaches, which also contribute to muscle tension. Changes in neurotransmitter levels, such as serotonin and dopamine, which influence pain perception, may make individuals more susceptible to tension headaches.

    Joint Pain as a Physical Symptom of Depression

    Joint Pain is one of the notable symptoms of depression. While it could be caused by neurotransmitter imbalance and chronic stress, its most common cause is reduced activity. Since individuals with depression lead a sedentary lifestyle, low activity could lead to muscle weakness, poor posture, and an increased strain on joints.

    Joint pain could have the following effects on an individual with depression:

    • Physical Discomfort- Joint pain could cause great physical discomfort to individuals with depression. It could also result in fatigue and decreased energy levels, further contributing to the feeling of lethargy.
    • Reduced Physical Activity- Joint pain could restrict an individual’s movement and physical activity, thereby reducing overall physical activity. An individual with joint pain may find it difficult to move around and get things done, consequently, leading a sedentary lifestyle.
    • Psychological Impact- Joint pain could have a profound impact on someone’s mental health. Individuals may feel frustrated, irritated, angry, which could further exacerbate the feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and helplessness.
    • Sleep Disturbances- Immense joint pain could result in sleep disturbances. Individuals may find it hard to deal with the pain, and as a result, have unorganized sleep schedules, potentially leading to insomnia.
    • Health Complications- Joint pain restricts an individual’s movement which could result in various health complications like cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, obesity, and constant high levels of blood pressure.
    • Loss of Interest- Individuals leading a sedentary lifestyle because of joint pain lose interest in things they enjoyed. They do not find pleasure in things they used to enjoy. This could also result in lack of motivation, further exacerbating the depressive symptoms.

    Nausea as a Physical Symptom of Depression

    Though not widely recognised, nausea is one of the physical symptoms of depression. Nausea is an uneasy feeling of discomfort in the pit of the stomach followed by an involuntary urge to vomit. It is mostly caused by gastrointestinal disturbances.

    Some of the mechanisms that might play a role in exacerbating nausea in individuals with depression are:

    • Poor Sleep Patterns
    • Increased Levels of Stress and Anxiety
    • Neurotransmitter Imbalance
    • Change in Appetite
    • Reduced Physical Activity
    • Side Effects of Medication

    Nausea could have the following effects on individuals with depression:

    • Reduced Appetite- Persistent nausea could lead to a deceased desire to eat. The consequences of a reduced appetite might be detrimental to an individual’s physical health. It results in decreased energy levels, which restricts individuals from functioning regularly.
    • Social Withdrawal- Individuals experiencing nausea try to avoid social situations, meals with others, or activities outside the home, which could result in increased feelings of loneliness and isolation, further exacerbating the feelings of hopelessness and alienation.
    • Gastrointestinal Issues- Nausea could result in other gastrointestinal issues like stomach cramps, acid reflux, and indigestion, which could lead to reduced appetite and therefore, low energy levels.
    • Dehydration- If nausea is accompanied by constant vomiting, there is a risk of dehydration which could result in fatigue, dizziness, electrolyte imbalance, weakness, and low energy levels. It is therefore recommended that individuals with depression remain hydrated at all times.
    • Headaches- Nausea could result in constant headaches like migraines and tension headaches which could persist as the symptoms of nausea worsen. These headaches could add to the overall discomfort and stress.
    • Decreased Concentration- Nausea could affect cognitive functioning of an individual which could result in decreased concentration and other memory problems, which are already compromised in depression.

    Constipation as a Physical Symptom of Depression

    Constipation is one of the gastrointestinal issues that arise as a result of increased levels of stress and anxiety in an individual with depression. It is one of the least notable symptoms of depression.

    Constipation is a condition where an individual experiences infrequent bowel movements and has difficulty passing stools. Constipation could be a result of various factors like change in appetite, reduced physical activity, altered neurotransmitter levels affecting the gut function, or even side effects of some medications.

    Some other factors that could lead to constipation could be:

    • Dehydration
    • Lifestyle Change
    • Poor Dietary Choices
    • Social Isolation
    • Sleep Disturbances
    • Psychological Factors

    Constipation has the following effects on an individual with depression:

    • Physical Discomfort- Constipation could cause physical discomfort to an individual experiencing it as a symptom of depression. It could lead to abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort, which could further exacerbate the depressive symptoms.
    • Sleep Disturbances- Constipation could lead to a disruption in sleep patterns of an individual which could result in fatigue, weakness, and low activity. It could also lead to insomnia.
    • Impact on Appetite- Constipation could impact an individual’s appetite, potentially leading to poor nutrition, which could affect digestion. This could result in changes in their body weight; they either gain weight or lose weight.
    • Exacerbation of Depressive Symptoms- If constipation is not managed, it could exacerbate the depressive symptoms of the condition, as stress and anxiety are contributing factors to the problem.
    • Physical Inactivity- Due to constant discomfort and restlessness, individuals may choose to avoid taking care of themselves. They may avoid physical exercises, participating in social events, or even doing normal day tasks, which could result in low activity.
    • Gastrointestinal Issues- Constipation could lead to additional gastrointestinal issues like hemorrhoids or anal fissures, which could further exacerbate the depressive symptoms and increase stress levels.

    Hypertension as a Physical Symptom of Depression

    Hypertension, commonly called ‘high blood pressure’ is one of the most common physical symptoms of depression. It is a condition in which blood pressure persistently exceeds normal levels (120/ 80 mm Hg).

    There are multiple factors that could cause hypertension. Following are some factors that contribute to hypertension:

    • Excessive Stress
    • Side Effects of Medication
    • Inflammation
    • Sleep Disorder
    • Lifestyle Changes
    • Substance- Abuse

    Following are some effects of hypertension on individuals with depression:

    • Impact on Relationships- Stress is the greatest factor contributing to hypertension. Hypertension, as a result of excessive stress, could put strain on relationships, which could lead to discord in relationships.
    • Suicide Risk- Hypertension, coupled with other depressive symptoms of the condition, could lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Individuals with depression and hypertension are a greater risk of committing suicide.
    • Sleep Disturbances- Poor sleep patterns arise due to hypertension. It could lead to insomnia, disruption of sleep schedule, and poor sleep quality. Not getting enough sleep could result in fatigue, weakness, and low levels of energy.
    • Health Risks- Hypertension could negatively affect an individual’s physical health. It makes an individual prone to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes, which could overall affect the physical, as well as the mental well- being of that individual.
    • Exacerbation of Physical Symptoms- Hypertension, as a result of stress, could result in the exacerbation of other physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and body aches. It could severely affect someone’s physical health.
    • Social Isolation- In an effort to manage hypertension, individuals may display withdrawal tendencies and avoid social gatherings or events. This could result in social isolation, which could exacerbate the feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, and helplessness.

    Insomnia as a Symptom of Depression

    Insomnia, a factor of sleep disturbance, is when an individual finds it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, and experience a restful sleep. It is one of the most common symptoms of depression.

    Insomnia could stem from various factors. Some of them are listed below:

    • Anxiety and Stress
    • Negative Thought Patterns
    • Emotional Distress
    • Intrusive Thoughts
    • Fear of Sleep
    • Social Anxiety

    Insomnia, coupled with depression could have damaging effects on an individual. Following is the impact of insomnia on an individual with depression:

    • Exacerbation of Depressive Symptoms- Insomnia could exacerbate the already existing depressive symptoms of the condition. Individuals, with little- to– no- sleep, could experience severe depressive symptoms like extreme mood swings, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, sadness, and restlessness.
    • Weakness and Fatigue- Lack of sleep, as a result of insomnia, hinders a person’s day- to- day activities as the individual feels extremely weak and experiences fatigue. This affects their daily work.
    • Muscle Tension- Lack of sleep results in muscle tension, which could cause great discomfort to an individual experiencing it. It further interferes in their daily life and hinders their work or regular activities.
    • Reduced Physical Activity- Due to fatigue and extreme weakness, individuals do not get proper rest and therefore, have low levels of energy. This results in reduced physical activity as they avoid physical exercises, yoga, or meditation.
    • Poor Eating Habits- Insomnia could lead to irregular eating habits and poor dietary choices. This, as a result, affects the individual’s appetite and has an impact on their weight. Individuals either gain or lose weight because of an irregular diet.
    • Decreased Productivity- Fatigue and weakness being the key factors of insomnia, decrease an individual’s productivity. They are unable to function at work, school, or even do household chores. Fatigue, coupled with depression, affects the productivity of an individual.

    Weight Change as a Symptom of Depression

    Gaining or losing excessive weight is a significant sign of depression. Change in appetite or eating habits result in weight changes. For instance, some people might overeat or indulge in some foods as a way to cope with intense emotions, which could lead to weight gain. Others might lose their appetite and therefore, lose weight due to a lack of interest in food or eating.

    Some factors that might contribute to weight change in an individual with depression are:

    • Change in Appetite
    • Lack of Physical Activity
    • Social Isolation
    • Sleep Disruption
    • Neglect of Personal Hygiene
    • Hormonal Factors

    Some of the effects of weight change in individuals with depression are listed below:

    • Physical Health Risks- There is an increased risk of physical health conditions linked to weight change. Overeating could lead to unhealthy eating habits, high blood pressure, and some cardiovascular diseases.
    • Fatigue and Weakness- Low or no appetite could result in low energy levels, which could lead to fatigue and extreme weakness. This further interferes with an individual’s daily functioning.
    • Body- Image Concerns- Changes in weight could lead to negative body image, which could lead to social withdrawal, lower- self esteem, and low self- confidence. Individuals might even try to adopt negative eating habits to attain a ‘perfect body- image’.
    • Risk of Chronic Conditions- Excessive weight gain could result in health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hypertension. These conditions could further exacerbate the depressive symptoms.
    • Joint Pain- Excessive weight could put additional strain on joints, resulting in joint pain. This could further cause discomfort and force individuals to lead a sedentary lifestyle which could result in decreased productivity and low energy levels.
    • Psychological Impact- Changes in weight could lead individuals to experience the feelings of immense guilt, shame, and frustration. They might overeat or stop eating altogether to go back to their initial weight.

    Fatigue as a Symptom of Depression

    Fatigue is characterized by tiredness, lack of energy, and exhaustion that cannot be alleviated by sleep. This is one of the most common physical symptoms of depression.
    It impacts the daily functioning of an individual, and as a result, affects their productivity and energy levels.

    Fatigue in an individual could be caused by the following factors:

    • Sleep Disturbance
    • Physical Inactivity
    • Stress
    • Nutritional Deficiencies
    • Side Effects of Medication
    • Social Withdrawal

    Fatigue could have severe effects on an individual with depression. Following are its effects:

    • Physical Exhaustion- Individuals may feel tired, even after getting adequate sleep. This is an effect of fatigue on an individual’s health. They may always feel exhausted, and as a result may not perform well in school or at work.
    • Impact on Sleep- Fatigue could disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or hypersomnia, further exacerbating daytime fatigue. This could impact an individual’s daily functioning.
    • Cognitive Problems- Individuals experiencing fatigue may face cognitive issues like concentration problems, memory retention problems, or difficulty in memorizing or remembering things.
    • Reduced Physical Activity- Due to lack of energy, individuals may choose to avoid doing activities they once enjoyed. This could result in reduced physical activity, and therefore, lead to reduced physical productivity.
    • Emotional Dysregulation- As a result of fatigue, individuals may find it difficult to manage their emotions which could lead to emotional dysregulation. This could result in intense depressive symptoms and feelings of sadness, loneliness, hopelessness, and helplessness.
    • Exacerbation of Physical Symptoms- Fatigue could exacerbate other physical symptoms such as body aches, headaches, and digestive issues. This could contribute to the overall discomfort and uneasiness of fatigue.

    How to Treat Physical Symptoms of Depression?

    There are multiple treatment options available for physical symptoms of depression that individuals could opt for. Following are some of them:

    • Lifestyle Changes- In order to curb the physical symptoms of depression, it is suggested that individuals change their sedentary lifestyle to an active one by exercising regularly, going on walks, pursuing their interests, and following a healthy diet.
    • Yoga- The practice of Yoga helps individuals combat fatigue and improves sleep quality. It also helps decrease the risk of other health and cardiovascular conditions and increases serotonin levels.
    • Complementary Therapies- Complementary therapies like acupuncture and massage therapy could prove to be beneficial to mitigate the physical symptoms of depression. These could also provide relief and help reduce muscle tension.
    • Mindfulness and Meditation- Mindfulness and Meditation helps individuals regulate their emotions and manage stress, which is a key factor in most of the physical symptoms of depression. Muscle tension could also be resolved by practicing mindfulness and meditation.
    • Sleep Hygiene- Establishing an organized sleep schedule could help individuals avoid sleep disturbances like insomnia, hypersomnia, and poor sleep quality. It could also help mitigate emotional dysregulation.
    • Nutritional Supplements- Supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and B vitamins may help alleviate some of the physical symptoms of the condition and also help mitigate fatigue, hypertension, and nausea.

    If you or someone you know notices the development of some of the physical symptoms, do not hesitate to reach out for help and seek consultation. Early intervention could help prevent some of the symptoms and also mitigate some of the depressive symptoms.

    Visit our website to learn more.


    Virtual Psychiatrist, Dr. Reddy
    Fact Checked by
    - Dr. Gundu Reddy

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